Pricing &
How to Pay
Drop-in Pricing for the month
1 Hour is $30 or ($150 for the month for 5 hours)
2 hours a week or ($200 for the month for 9 hours)
3 hours a week or ($250 for the month for 15 hours)
4 hours a week or ($300 for the month for 20 hours)
14 hours a week or ($350 for the month, 2 hours a day!)
(Siblings get a discount up to 15% off)
1 sibling get 10% off
2 siblings get 15% off
If you have more than 3 players joining please ask about pricing!
AAU Payments/ After school Program
All payments for AAU fees are due a week into the season. I usually don't mind if you need to make payments, just ask.
Late Payments
After you have signed up for the amount of hours you would like to attend, show up to practice with water and a ball. Once you've gone to all or majority of your intended classes please make your payment. This is okay for anyone who is new to the program, if you know that this program is working for you please sign up and pay right away as you know the service you will receive. If you need the month to make the payment that's fine that you don't make the payment right away. If you need an extension because you can't make a payment please send a email.
There is a $50 late fee for not sending a payment. You are responsible for making your payment before the next month.
If you need an invoice for the payment please send a email asking for one or on the form please let us know you would like an Invoice.